Privacy Policy
Ok, so our privacy policy is clear and simple. So, here goes… is a website that lists dildos for sale from leading retailers including and does not sell, stock or distribute dildos, we simply recommend and review dildos available from selected retailers.
When you visit some information is captured by our statistics scripts that tell who referred you to our site (Like Google or Twitter), what country you are in, how long you stayed for and what pages you viewed. To do this Cookies are used.
We may use this information to better understand our target market and improve our marketing.
We do not capture or keep any personal information. If you make an order through one of the retailers we link too then the information you enter is held with them.
If you decide to get in touch with in any way (like through our contact page) then we reserve the right to retain your contact details and e-mail you at a later date. We will never pass on your details unless requested to do so by Scottish Law.
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